
Here I'm showing off my projects!
Ranging from software engineering projects to scripts for managing my system, automating daily tasks, etc.

Advent of Code 2021

go algorithms data structures

25 December 2021

Advent of Code is an advent calendar consisting of 1 puzzle per day. The puzzles are amazingly crafted programming problems that requires a wide array of problem solving skills. There’s no language limitation, it’s simply a challenge that you need to solve with whatever you know.

CryptoJS Burp Extender

java js cryptography

04 September 2021

Burp suite can intercept HTTP requests, this burp suite extender extends that functionality specifically for dealing with CryptoJS encrypted requests. It decrypts intercepted requests, decrypts them for tampering / modification, then encrypts it back before forwarding the request.

Compfest Hospital

go api

25 July 2021

Compfest hospital is a “hospital management system” that I made with golang. Though the word hospital is in the name, it functions more like an event organizer’s website, where admins can organize events called “doctor appointments” while the attendants, the “patients” can interact with these appointments.

Golang Algorithm & Data Structures

go algorithms data structures

16 June 2021

Go’s amazing performance and use cases is making technologies and apps ditch their old language for go. As an aspiring software engineer, I want to familiarize myself with this language to serve as a base foundation for my skills in building apps with go.

My First PR in an open source project, DVWA!

open source

13 September 2020

It’s a small start, but I’m happy to be able to make a contribution to an open source project that helped me learn things, it’s Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA), an intentionally vulnerably webapp to help people learn about web application security.


python api

07 May 2020

Wfhsucks is a python script designed for binus students, we all know bimay’s forum interface is slow and ineffective, so I’ve made a little program that automatically grabs all new forums, it grabs the link and also the contents. and added a checkbox on all of them to keep track of which ones I have replied to and which ones I haven’t.

Python Simple Chat through Proxy

python socket programming

03 March 2020

Simple 1 on 1 chats are too boring since we’ve tried a multiperson chat before, so let’s try a 1:1 chat, but through a proxy, specifically a reverse proxy! This adds an additional layer of anonimity to our servers since we hide our location which adds security!

Python Simple Multiperson Chat Room

python socket programming

23 February 2020

Ever wondered how today’s chat apps are so sophisticated? We have all kinds of features like media transfer, multiperson chat, link previews, stickers, gifs, etc. I’m just wondering how it all started, IRCs. So I tried to make a simple multiperson chat room.