Problem :lock:

We arrive at a webpage that says:

There is nothing on this page

Solution :key:

This is more of a “theory” kind of challenge, we got a hint when we inspect the page.

We have to know how google does it’s job of indexing webs, through web crawling. Now what if a website doesn’t want a certain part of it’s web to be indexed by web crawlers? We use a standard that is the robots.txt file located in the “root” folder of the web, this file acts as a “rule” for the web crawlers (ones who follow rules). So let’s see what’s in it.

We see that all web crawlers (User-agent: *) aren’t allowed to crawl into the s3cr3t/ folder, so let’s see what’s in it anyway.

We see there’s a file, in it is our flag.

Flag :checkered_flag:


Takeaway :books: